The battle of wisdom tooth. The battle which preparation took months, the cost which will only be comparable with 10 to 20 kikuzawa buffet. The excitement of seeing blood... the anguish when you hear "zzz zzzz" from the dentist tools... Where you know you'll arrived at the 18th storey of hell only to be...
Argh that's enough... "Dun think too much and go!", there I go, on 9th March, 2007 to the National Dental Centre for my removal of my wisdom tooth. It's been like almost half a year since I've decided to pluck it. So with $30 in my wallet, I set off on a Hundred dollar trail... (
A look to the past)
A few days ago, I asked my colleagues about the experiences of plucking wisdom tooth. And the words that hurts me the most are all the money involved ($3k, $1k, $700+, $500+). "Why I can visualise myself eating grasses after plucking wisdom tooth?", I told myself...
So, with a heavy heart, and the feeling of pain NOT for my mouth, but for my pocket, I disembark upon the great crusade which I've striven for many months.
So the procedure is as follow:
1405: It's my turn. I went in and with the dentist not even considering taking an X-ray for me, I was a little worry.
1407: After some hesitation, I finally got a hold of myself and asked the dentist to pluck the wisdom tooth. He agree and recommend local anesthesia, and I agree.
1410: He poked several places to inject the anesthesia (I knew it, stop reading and get lost, all the hentai yaros. Very dirty minded :/), and you can immediately feel that it's like injecting some nanomachine in your body.
1415: I've no idea why the dentist waited 5 mins for. Well, I'm not one, so I don't know for sure. The nurse like bochap and then walk here and there... The anesthesia on my gum took effect long ago. I can feel the swelling on my gums, and there's a lump which I feel as if I can swollow it. At that time, in my mind, I was thinking, "Oh my god... every jab I took, every cash I lost... pls no more..."
1416(20): Dentist tells me to lie down and took a plier-type of tools and hold on to my wisdom tooth...
1416(30): And it came off. Immediately, I give a thumb-up hand-sign to the dentist. Then the nurse happy-go-lucky took the tooth, put in a bag (without washing the tooth), and tell me "This is your souvenir".

"Souvenir" indeed -_-;;
To be frank, it was a natural respond for me to show a thumb-up sign. Actually, what I wish to show is this...
1419: After settling the bill of $32 (gnahahaha XD), I took a cab to my working place to work despite a day MC, how silly of me ^_^;;
And of course, the "souvenir" is added to my collection.
Some people said that for the next few days I should have a hard time eating. With a lump on my cheek, even swollowing is a problem.
What's the different for me, with the dentist
NOT even prescribe me a painkiller? I ate sushi, Carl's junior, etc etc... LOL! Erm... of course, the
fatscholesterol are the focus here, not the teeth... Hmph... let's be good and don't side track the topic, shall we? ^_^;;
The grand finale is still, the Kikuzawa visit during 17th of March, that's 1 week after the plucking of my wisdom tooth. It's to celebrate me surviving the wisdom tooth plucking, the POP of the Field Defense Squadron, or FDS training for Terrix, which in turn become Feminine Dopey Squadron (Also FDS), and the near-to-ORD Lumiere, finally graduate from that
Space PortAir Base...
Days before we went, I called and booked for the secret room
(unlocked with Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start, Select+B(hold))

Even wonder what did the chef do with the waitress during non-business times? *roll eyes*
We arrived, entered, and sit on the floor like a japanese, so we thought. In the end, we created our own culture, and thought it might be good to share during culture exchange program in the future.

During Osaka exchange program, one of the Osaka host hosted for us, saw this and went "Nande ane?!"
Then the Itamae gave us sashimi for 4.

10 sec after it was set on the table
Of course, eating in Kikuzawa already make me go cloud 9, with that, my excitement level is full 10/10. Until this came...

I virtually nose bleeded, Karin-style...
It's inclusive in the 1st 2 plates of sushi served to us...

Pay close attention to the Shake at the left (HIGH QUALITY), the sea-urchin (HIGH QUALITY ONLY TOO), and most of all... the one on the right, BBQed on the spot :O )

5 sec after it was placed on the table, Ikura is simply irresistable!
Occasionally he also served us misc stuff. Don't ask me what it is... just follow Lumiere's word, "
Shoot Eat first,
make friends find out later"

On the left, is Shake in Ponzu sauce, an excellant appetizer

Chawanmushi, Kikuzawa style. With mushroom and Uzumaki Naruto. There's a "rasengan" hidden below too
Then after that Kikuzawa passed us this... Immediately we went... "Wtf..."

A strategy to make us full...
Terrix immediately go "Walao!", I go "...", Lumiere go "Erm...", then Mokona go "ahhhh puuuu".
Nevertheless, we still need to clear it up before the next serving come... Suddenly...

I went "OMG!" and "shared" most of the things with the others, leaving only the potato
I hate this dish seriously, for no reasons. Maybe it resembles korean cusine alot?
A while later...

Me: Erm, what is this?
Lumiere: Just eat
Me: Erm... ok :3
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Back to the topic, after the "WTF" serving of sushi, we decided to have a revenge. By ordering...

Kikuzawa felt our wraith...>
Before you know it, double-hit combo...

We 1, Kikuzawa 0>
Before we go, we finished off with a fatality...

And a good taboo too. 8 Treasures of luck (吉祥八宝) PS: Pls ignore the "extra" edamame>

1 min after the last picture>
I'd say this is the best feast so far, considering it's been like a year since I last visit Kikuzawa. And to say, his business isn't as good as last time, but it's not as bad, considering I've been tricked to see someone's butt... (hor, Mokona Apapa? :/ )
We've accomplished enjoying our feast, discussing on future Japan trip, some "secret projects", and of course, the best accomplishment I believe is a picture taken by Lumiere
himselfherself. It's a picture full of compassionate, and it literally lits me up with KWS (Kikuzawa Withdrawal Symdrome) for days!
Thumbs up for this picture!

Very detail photography of a Shake sushi. A falling rice grain at the left, the texture of the shake, the lighting, and the dripping shoyu...Guess what? It's the very last piece of sushi Terrix ate that day...
PS: It's been a while since I update my blog so I thought it should be a little bigger this time round. ^_^;;